Pardon Me, Please was founded with social justice, equity, accountability, equality and inclusion as our cornerstones. Building upon those values, PMP intends to create a series of grassroots campaigns to carry out Pardon Me, Please’s mission, realigning members with their callings and financial and emotional intelligence to self-advocate for positive change on a federal and state level because there is never a shortage of overreaching laws trickling through the system. Raising community awareness and expanding outreach, PMP will co-create legal and healthcare clinics that provide local underserved populations with much needed care, legal support and professional advice on any one or more important issues or factors. When the smartest come together to help the weakest, we multiply our humanity and forge a legacy that we can all be proud of supporting. Join PMP Today.
PMP serves in both Congressional and Legislative forums as a voice of reason for our membership while promoting responsible legislation and defending underserved populations from overreaching laws. PMP serves as a resource hub for its members who are getting their life back on track in an ethical, timely and socially responsible manner providing members with micro-loans and career advice, as well as professional mentorship programs that prepare younger generations for the future. PMP serves others by taking a leading role in redirecting systems that continue to fail our society, holding accountable all of those who hide behind the laws that have been put in place to suppress the masses under the guise of “the greater good”. Stand up and take a stand.
While` “bad” people really can change, “good” people make mistakes all the time and never get caught leading to a much larger problem, especially when they go unchecked. Let PMP be the solution and rehabilitate our systems tasked with rehabilitating us, while bringing accountability, justice, equity, equality and inclusion back to the forefront of the conversation. Yes, we can do this!
PMP is managed by MSOplus, and is fiscally sponsored by the Compassion Center (FEIN: 27-0014579), a 501(c)(3) public charity organization. Donations made to PMP are typically considered to be tax-deductible within the confines of one’s own tax situation. Please consult with your tax advisor on the latest laws related to your individual situation. PMP does the leg work on carrying out its mission, MSOplus does all the administrative management and Compassion Center provides the organization with blanket umbrella coverages.